Thursday, 5 May 2011

Ok, just to prove that the CD90Z will actually start and run here is a first video. Excuse the rattling noise - it is not the sound of the engine it is in fact the rear light and number plate holder which I've yet to secure properly. Considering that I haven't tuned the carb, or ignition and have only put in a new plug and fresh petrol it runs quite smoothly. The exhaust silencer is chopped off an old exhaust, (no idea what from), and connected to what was left of the original exhaust system with a jubilee clip. The carb is fed from an old lawnmower petrol tank. The spark is powered from a 6v transformer (no battery as yet) and the ignition switch is two wires twisted together. All a bit Heath Robinson but the good news is that it starts pretty easily. I put in some fresh 20/50 oil I had lying around but will be taking off the cases and inspecting prior to putting in the correct oil and refitting cases with stainless bolts. Still loads of work to do and lots of bits to acquire but the rebuild is at least progressing well.  I'm hoping to pick up a few bits at the BMF rally in Peterborough.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing a lot of useful information here. A great article. Exhaust Silencers
